The Black Canary 2005 г 288 стр ISBN 0689864787 инфо 5015l. |

| Book Description Twelve-year-old biracial James has grown up in a musical family Not only are both of his parents musicians, but his four grandparents are as well Everyone assumes that James will pursue muансмщsic, yet he would rather become a newspaper reporteror an astronomeror a cookanything that will let him leave music behind and be his own self Everything changes when, on a family visit to London, James discovers a portal that leads to London in the year 160аяштц0, then finds himself unable to return to the point in time he had left behind James is forced to join the Children of the Chapel Royal, a group that performs for the queen of England, and the musical talents he denied are now put to the test and pushed to their limits In this alternate world James comes to realize that he cannot survive and get back to the twenty-first century without recognizing, understanding, and making the most of his musical gifts Jane Louise Curry brings Elбмыюрizabethan London to life in this remarkable story about music, family, and finding one's place in the world.
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