Wizards at War (The Young Wizards, Book 8) Издательство: Harcourt Children's Books, 2005 г Суперобложка, 560 стр ISBN 0152047727 инфо 4203l. |

| Grade 5-8–In this eighth volume in the series, 14-year-old wizards Kit Rodriguez and Nita Callahan have just returned from an extraterrestrial vacation and are getting ready to go back to school Meanwhile, Niанслчta's wizardly younger sister, Dairine, and their father have been hosting three alien wizards in their basement Everything changes when the magical group learns that the universe is rapidly filling with a mysterious dark matter that threatens to swallow all of the staаяшсъrs and worlds into oblivion within a few weeks It is already causing the adult wizards to lose their powers, and even to forget that magic exists Kit, Nita, Dairine, and their alien guests, along with Kit's magical dog, Ponch, and Dairine's enchanted laptop, Spot, zip off to scour the galaxy for a prophesied secret weapon–a person or thing that can overcome the impending catastrophe Although Duane has tried to allow each book in the series to stand on its own, most readers will be бмыюеlost without having read at least some of the predecessors Those who are familiar with the series will thoroughly enjoy this story, especially its grand and wistful conclusion–Walter Minkel, New York Public Library Автор Диана Дуэйн Diane Duane Родилась в Нью-Йорке Дебютировала в фантастике романом "Дверь в пламя" (1979) Ряд произведений написала в соавторстве с мужем Питером Морвудом Среди наиболее известных произведений Дуйэн - детская приключенческая трилогия ("Разрешенное волшебство", .
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