Thunderbirds: Thunderbirds Are Go! (Thunderbirds) Издательство: HarperFestival, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 64 стр ISBN 0060586672 инфо 2297l.
It's not easy being the fourteen-year-old son of a billionaire ex-astronaut Your older brothers get to fly the super-advanced Thunderbird rescue vehicles, but you're not even allowed to touch the control panанскщels! Now Alan Tracy has thechance to prove he's got what it takes to be a full-fledged Thunderbird With his family's lives at stake, he must defeatThe Hood -- a maniacal villain with an evil plan to destroy the Tracys and their Thunderbirds Автор Китти Ричардс Kiаяшсзtty Richards.