Dragon's Breath: Book Two in the Tales of the Frog Princess Издательство: Bloomsbury USA Children's Books, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 1582346666 инфо 2269l. |

| Emma and Eadric have no sooner turned back into humans (from being frogs) than Emma's mother is in a panic, Aunt Grassina is distracted because she's found her true love turned into an otter, and Emma's magicанрчр is so out of control shesends herself to the dungeon by mistake The neighboring kingdom has chosen this moment to attack, and if Emma can't get Grassina's mind back on protecting the kingdom, life as they know it in Greater Greensward will be in peril From underwateаяшввr sea monsters to fire-breathing dragons, this witty pair of young friends manages to sweet-talk, cajole, and race their way to victory But when it looks as if everything will finally work out, disaster strikes, and Emma finds that magic is not enough-it takes real bravery and a strong, new friendship to succeed Reprint edition Автор Е Д Бакер E D Baker.
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