The Witch's Eye (Aladdin Fiction) 2003 г 208 стр ISBN 0689853807 инфо 2104l.
Book Description Fast upon us spirits all, listen for our whispered call Lynn knows she should feel safe now Her family's suspicious neighbor Mrs Tuggle died in the fire that destroyed her house and thанртфings are returning to normal However, Lynn can't shake the feeling that Mrs Tuggle's evil presence is rising again Lynn hears the old woman hauntingly calling to her at night And her little brother is acting so strangely that Lynn is convinced Mrs Tuggle is tryingаячяз to harm him But Lynn's dad won't hear of it, her mom won't talk about it, and her best friend wishes the whole thing would just go away Lynn is determined to find out why Mrs Tuggle is reaching out from beyond the dead Or why she never really disappeared.