Patricia Von Pleasantsquirrel 2009 г Твердый переплет, 56 стр ISBN 0803730667 инфо 2665j. |

| First things fi rst, Patricia von Pleasantsquirrel is not a squirrel She?s a girl?a princess, in fact, only she hasn?t found her princessdom But that?s about to change Inspired by a book she reads, Patriciaанрюй sets off for a place where she can stay up till midnight, eat cake before dinner, and have not just a dog but a great white stallion She fi nds it And a whole lot more than she bargained for James Proimos pays cheeky homage to a classic picture book favorite in thiаяшжъs disarming, laugh-out-loud funny tale of a prideful little girl, her royal goldfi sh, her airplane, and her cadre of hippos Two levels of comedy and plenty of visual gags make this a great read for kids and parents alike.
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