The Encyclopedia of Preserved People : Pickled, Frozed, and Mummified Corpses from Around the World 2003 г 64 стр ISBN 0375922873 инфо 2643j. |
| Book DescriptionPreserved people can tell us things that skeletons can't-hairstyles and tattoos can tell us what people looked like, full stomachs can tell us what thev ate, and autopsies can reveal what diseaанрэпses they suffered With sections on Egyptian mummies, bog bodies, Einstein's brain, and the Ice Man, The Encyclopedia of Preserved People provides a fascinating look at those men, women, and children whose bodies have been preserved until the present day It proves thаяшжнat history is not about dull dates, but about people who laughed, cried, ate, and worked, just like us-yet who were also incredibly different It includes an index and a bibliography and is illustrated by over 30 full-color photographs.
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