Girlwonder : Every Girl's Guide to the Fantastic Feats, Cool Qualities, and Remarkable Abilities of Women and Girls (Information Please) 2003 г 240 стр ISBN 0618319395 инфо 2620j. |

| Book DescriptionDid you ever wonder who was the best all-around athlete of the twentieth century? (page 174) how to deal with a crush? (page 126) what important event happened on your анрьюbirthdate? (pages 3 - 41) if a woman has ever been a presidential candidate? (page 225) how the bikini got its name? (page 116) who were some great girl characters in literature? (page 75) what were some of the best girl friendships of all time?аяшея (page 100) when schools began to admit women?(page 211) who the Olympian goddesses were and what they ruled? (page 87) who was the model for the Statue of Liberty? (page 68) Girlwonder answers all of these questions and more Acaptivating collection of all things girl-related, this fun-filled and fact-packed guide highlights the great achievements, activities, and interests of women and girls around the world It includes brilliant quotes from famous women, a calenбмыщрdar of girl-focused historical events, and the accomplishments of the best women in sports, science, politics, and the arts It also features entertaining entries on fashion, friendship, love, romance, and body and mind Girlwonder celebrates thetruly amazing, fascinating, wonderful world of girls.
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