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Phantom Stallion #12: Rain Dance (Phantom Stallion) 2004 г 192 стр ISBN 0060583134 инфо 5088l.

Book Description The Phantom Stallion's new foal is ready to be born, and River Bend Ranch's own Dark Sunshine is the mother Samantha couldn't be more excited, ans she's sure she can handle the new baby whiануузle everyone is gone on the annual cattle drive But when a dangerous thunderstorm hits the ranch, Sam realizes that maybe she can't do it all alone -- especially when the Phantom arrives, and seems to want to take his new filly back to the wild.


Heart's Blood : The Pit Dragon Chronicles, Volume Two (Pit Dragon Chronicles) 2004 г 368 стр ISBN 015205118X инфо 5090l.

Book Description Jakkin risks everything--his freedom, his dragon, even his life--to rescue his beloved in this stirring sequel to буйюф Dragon's Blood.


The Little Scarecrow Boy 2005 г 40 стр ISBN 0060778911 инфо 5092l.

Book Description"Once upon a time in a cornfield there lived a scarecrow and his scarecrow wife and their little scarecrow boy" So begins Margaret Wise Brown's long lost treasure about a little scarансоъecrow boy and the lessons he learns from his scarecrow father every day of the world, until the time he decides to test his knowledge and himself Published here for the first time as a picture book, The Little Scarecrow Boy is a timeless story about the things childreаяшучn cherish family, home, and their place in the worldTender and funny, it celebrates the tradition of passing knowledge from one generation to the next, and the exuberance that comes with reaching one's full potential Known for his stunning design and breathtaking craftsmanship, Caldecott medal recipient, David Diaz declares an entirely new direction with The Little Scarecrow Boy He perfectly captures the essence of this all-but-forgotten gem of a story with a bright palette and a rбмыющemarkably fresh, childlike view of the world.


The Black Stallion's Courage (Black Stallion) 2004 г 240 стр ISBN 0394839188 инфо 5094l.

Book DescriptionWhen Hopeful Farm burns down, Alec’s dreams for the future go up in smoke How can he get the money to rebuild? To make matters worse, a strong young colt named Eclipse has taken the racing worануунld by storm, threatening to replace theBlack in the hearts of racing fans Against all odds, Alec sets out to save the farm and prove that the Black is still the greatest race horse of all time! “Everyone loves a champion And when the champion is a gallant horse, whenаяъка his story is told by a champion writer of horse stories, every reader is a winner”—The New York Times.


К проблеме аксиоматической адекватности описания движения в физическом пространстве Издательство: Компания Спутник +, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 48 стр ISBN 978-5-9973-0090-6 Тираж: 50 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм) инфо 5096l.

Неадекватность общепринятого подхода к описанию и исследованию движения в трехмерном физическом пространстве - свидетельство перманентного методологического кризиса теоретической физики Реальному, теоретическануууи выверенному и практически эффективному, выходу из кризиса ныне препятствует не столько естественная, в контексте многовековой истории вопроса, инерция мышления ученых, сколько узкий корпоративный интерес научной элиты, стремящейся любой ценой сохранить status quo Ааяъкввтор Анатолий Петров.


Sword Song 2005 г 288 стр ISBN 0374469849 инфо 5089l.

Book Description Discovered among Rosemary Sutcliff 's papers after her death in 1992, Sword Song is the swashbuckling epic of a young Viking swordsman, banished from his home for unintentionally killing a mанстэan, who takes up a new life as a mercenary.


Физика без механики Ньютона, без теории Эйнштейна и без принципа наименьшего действия Серия "Relata Refero" Изд 2, перераб и доп рамках имеющихся сейчас физических представлений инфо 5091l.

В настоящей работе предложена новая механика, основанная на принципиально новой концепции --- концепции ускоряемого тела и тела-ускорителя Новая механика построена в форме принципов взаимодействия двух тел Пануукринципы опираются на универсальные законы сохранения энергии и импульса, поэтому распространяются на все виды материи Механика Ньютона является общепризнанным фундаментом всей современной физики Но она представляет собой только упрощенный вариант новой механики, поэтаяъйюому не может решить некоторые принципиальные задачи естествознания Новая механика более точно описывает физические явления, поэтому просто и естественно раскрывает природу явлений, имеющих фундаментальное значение, например, резонанса колебательного и поступательного, резонанса в микромире, принципа относительности, принципа наименьшего действия, первого и второго начал термодинамики, основ квантовой механики Наконец, даже сама механика Ньютона естественно "выводится" из нбмьщковой механики как ее частный случай Настоящая работа предлагается в качестве современного универсального физико-математического инструмента для решения практических задач, неразрешимых в рамках имеющихся сейчас физических представлений.


Desolation Angels #3 (The Big Empty) 2005 г 240 стр ISBN 1595140085 инфо 5093l.

Book Description In the third installment of The Big Empty, the teens are on the run after making the shocking discovery that the leader of Novo Mundum, the secret community hidden in the middle of the evacuatансоэed Big Empty, is developing a new, even more dangerous virus The group faces a challenging trek through the forbidden zone as they search for someone they can trust In a journey that will test their survival skills like nothing they've experienced so far, the teensаяшуш' relationships are pushed to the breaking point, with one couple ripped apart for good An unexpected reunion with someone from their past will prove to be a turning point-but will this familiar face bring salvation or ruin?.


Mortal Engines (rpkg) (The Hungry City Chronicles) 2004 г 384 стр ISBN 0060082097 инфо 5095l.

Book Description London is hunting The great Traction City lumbers after a small town, eager to strip its prey of all assets and move on Resources on the Great Hunting Ground that once was Europe are so liанспеmited that mobile cities must consume one another to survive, a practice known as Municipal Darwinism Tom, an apprentice in the Guild of Historians, saves his hero, Head Historian Thaddeus Valentine, from a murder attempt by the mysterious Hester Shaw -- only to findаяшуь himself thrown from the city and stranded with Hester in the Out Country As they struggle to follow the tracks of the city, the sinister plans of London's leaders begin to unfold .


A Quiet Place 2005 г 32 стр ISBN 0689876092 инфо 5097l.

Book Description "Sometimes a person needs a quiet place" A place that's far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life -- a place that isn't ringing or talking or roaring or playing But sанууцometimes thatplace isn't easy to find Explore what it's like to find a special someplace where we all can think our own thoughts and feel our own feelings.
